Review of previous meeting
We have altered the design from the previous meeting to
Meet the requirements needed and to make sure that we all
Agree with it.
Check milestones
Up to this point we have allocated extra responsibilities and
To change our project plan as the dates and allocated time
Were severely underestimated so the project plan needs to be
See where we are against project plan
From checking are milestones we realised that the project
Plan was inaccurate and needed to be changed but in
Accordance with the steps involved we are on schedule.
Update project plan if needed
We amended the project dates and responsibilities to make it
More realistic and efficient to follow.
Make a PERT chart
Decided as a team not to make a PERT chart.
Any problems:
Updating project plan ensuring dependencies are all correct
We have altered the design from the previous meeting to
Meet the requirements needed and to make sure that we all
Agree with it.
Check milestones
Up to this point we have allocated extra responsibilities and
To change our project plan as the dates and allocated time
Were severely underestimated so the project plan needs to be
See where we are against project plan
From checking are milestones we realised that the project
Plan was inaccurate and needed to be changed but in
Accordance with the steps involved we are on schedule.
Update project plan if needed
We amended the project dates and responsibilities to make it
More realistic and efficient to follow.
Make a PERT chart
Decided as a team not to make a PERT chart.
Any problems:
Updating project plan ensuring dependencies are all correct